Ultimate way of losing weight!
I happened to tune into CNA channel last nite.It shows what are the happenings in korea..n there's 1 part that they actually feature how the korea gals did when they want to lose weight..wahlao..dun eat if u are reading this post okie?
I m not sure if they paid the centre to loe weight or what...but wahlao...its sooooooo suffering..
They have to inject 1 litre of salt water in their RECTUM everyday...then they will go poot poot..but i think is lao sai rather then the normal poot...walao..can u imagine injecting salt water into ur rectum huh?*faints*
They are also not allowed to consume food..surviving only on plain water..according to the show..a human can survive up to 50 days on plain water nia..no food,no supplement,no nutrients to the body how to have energy??still must exercise..So after 3 days days..they all look like they want to die liaoz...dozing everywhere they could rest on..aiyoh...see them *face green green* aiyo...jia lat...
beside fasting, they also did the 拔罐 ?(u noe the TCM ..they use the bell like shaped thing to suck ur skin?? then ur skin will become blue black)..but do this will become slim meh?
Only on the 8th day...they are allowed to eat gruel...they gone thru hell...in the end